We would like to thank the following organisation and companies for their support:
Main Sponsors
Kapsch CarrierCom, Am Europlatz 5 A-1120 Vienna
Thanks to Kapsch CarrierCom we have a Venue, Net Access, Coffee Breaks and Lunch.
Geizhals - Preisvergleich
geizhals.at makes it possible to invite
- Autrijus Tang (PUGS, Author of PAR and 99 more CPAN modules)
- Chip Salzenberg, Parrot Chief Designer
CSI - Centre for Social Innovations
Provision of organisatorial support (Thomas Klausner) and Payment of the Speaker Dinner and the hotel of Chip and Autrijus.
Other Sponsors
O'Reilly Germany provides 13 books and a lot of other goodies.
ActiveState provides us 3 license for ActivePerl Pro Studio and 5 ActiveState T-Shirts.
Krone Kommunikationstechnik GmbH, A-2320 Schwechat, Concorde Business Park C5/T17
Krone provides us with two access points to be used during the hack-a-thon.