An Introduction to Perl 6 Grammars

An Introduction to Perl 6 Grammars

By Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)
Date: Not scheduled yet.
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English

Regexes are rooted in parsing regular languages. That's fine, but many interesting languages are not regular. For example, anything with recursive structure is not a regular language.

Perl 6 grammars, by contrast, are more powerful. In fact, they're powerful enough to parse Perl 6 source code. Thankfully, most of the data we need to parse in our day to day lives as programmers isn't quite that complex! But still, it may not be regular, and even if it is, a more structured approach to parsing it is helpful. This is what Perl 6 grammars deliver.

In this session, I'll introduce Perl 6 grammars and use them to solve a number parsing problems.